Office Hours

*Our in-person office hours are currently suspended due to conditions with COVID-19. Please feel free to e-mail with questions and we will respond as soon as possible.



*Virtual due to COVID-19*


Greater Boston Legal Services


Every second Monday of the month, GMAACC and Greater Boston Legal Services offers free office hours to the Asian community in Malden to provide education help, translation services, legal advice, and census help.
每月的第二個星期一 大摩頓亞裔社區聯盟與大波士頓法律援助處合作提供臨時辦公時間。翻譯服務, 法律諮詢, 教育問題徵詢, 有關人口普查的幫助都有。


Can’t make it to Office Hours but have a question? Email it to us here! 如果您不能在規定的時間參加,可以在這裡提交問題!